Examination and assessment

The examination and assessment policy of the programme is noted in detail in the Examination and Assessment regulations.

All courses are graded on a numerical scale from 0 to 5, with marks limited to integers and half-integers (i.e.: 0 – 0,5 – 1 – 1,5 – 2 … 4,5 – 5). You can read all details below under ‘Grading scale’.


  • There are three regular examination periods:
First term First week of the second term (January)
Second term Last week of second term (March/early April)
Third term Last week of third term (June)
  • The resit examinations are organised in the second half of August/first half of September, and can be done at any of the six partner universities.
  • Students have the right to ask feedback from their examiners. In cases of conflict or dispute, the ombudsman of the programme acts as a mediator.
  • Students who complete the programme with an average GPA of 4 or more, graduate with Distinction. The Joint Studies Examination Board can furthermore decide that students who have obtained exceptionally good results receive a special mention.


The programme’s assessment policy is a compromise of different assessment traditions. This compromise respects the diversity of locally adopted practices.

The Joint Studies Board, consisting of the six local academic co-ordinators and chaired by the academic co-ordinator of the coordinating university, checks whether the local practices are in line with what can be expected from a master’s course. It also approves all examination results, discusses how suspected cases of plagiarism will be handled and decides in cases of conflict and dispute after hearing the student and the ombudsman.


A uniform EGEI grading system is adopted for all courses:

5 = ‘A’ or ‘excellent’| outstanding performance with no or only minor errors
4,5 / 4 = ‘B’ or ‘very good’ | about the average standard but with some errors
3,5 / 3 = ‘C’ or ‘good’ | generally sound work with a number of notable errors
2,5 / 2 = ‘D/E’ or ‘satisfactory/sufficient’ | pass; performance meets the minimum requirements
1,5 / 1 = ‘FX’ or ‘not sufficient’ | marginal fail
0,5 / 0 = ‘F’ or ‘poor’ | fail

When a course is graded according to a different grading system, the academic co-ordinator at the coordinating university consults with the local academic co-ordinator and the teacher(s) of the course to see how the marks should be converted.

The programme’s grading system and all other aspects related to the evaluation of students are described in detail in the programme’s Examination and Assessment regulations, which are available on the webpages of the programme.