
EITEI / EGEI Alumni Reunion, Prague, 9 November 2019

We are pleased to invite EITEI / EGEI graduates to gather and celebrate the 25th anniversary of the program! Come and share personal as well as professional experience with your former classmates and other alumni. EITEI / EGEI Alumni Reunion will take place on November 9, 2019 in the framework of the Alumni Evening at […]

EITEI / EGEI Alumni Reunion, Prague, 9 November 2019

Economics of Globalization and European Integration

The Joint Master Degree Economics of Globalisation and European Integration (EGEI) is a specialised academic programme in economics. It offers a scientifically well-founded training in the fields of: Economics of Globalisation International Trade European Economic Integration It is essentially geared to students interested in careers in research, in government and international organisations, and in the research […]

Economics of Globalization and European Integration

Graduation Ceremony in Bari, Italy

Graduation Ceremony of program M.A. Economics of Globalisation and European Integration of students of academic year 2017/18, organised by partner university Universitá degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro on Friday 26 October 2018, was successful for 31 graduates, out of which 6 students graduated with Distinction. Two students received Award of Anna Klosova – for the best academic achievements […]

Graduation Ceremony in Bari, Italy


Duration: Language: Study in:       Degrees: Teachers: Classmates: Tuition: Funding support: 1.5 year/full-time English 3 countries;France (term 1),Italy (term 2), Czech Rep. (term 3), Czech Rep. (term 4) Ing. + M.A. from 10 partner universities from around the world, up to 20 nationalities 3 600 EUR/whole program 2 700 EUR/program (estimate) Deadline for […]